How to recover after a tooth extraction?
Once your teeth become damaged to such a point that it becomes irreparable, a dentist in Beverly Hills may recommend a tooth extraction. However, there are various things that you should know about tooth extraction aftercare. Tooth extraction requires a healing period. You should know what you should not do that could prolong the healing period and could also cause pain in you. In this blog, we will closely examine the tips that would facilitate an easy recovery for you.
Things You Should Not Do After Tooth Extraction
It would be best if you avoid smoking and alcohol, which may worsen your healing process. You should also stay away from chewing tobacco, which can be harmful not just to your teeth but also to your overall health. You should not eat food that is hard to chew since it can cause pain at the extraction site. If you are fond of sugar candies, then it is not desirable to suck them after tooth extraction. Rinsing your mouth often and spitting should be avoided for some days after the extraction procedure. Anything that involves sucking movement should be avoided since it can pull the blood clot out of the socket leading to more infection and pain. Drinking too hot of liquids can also worsen your pain. Therefore you should not drink liquids that are too hot.
Avoiding Dry Socket
A dry socket happens when the person loses the blood clot that happened at the site of tooth extraction and thus leaving the bone where the extraction happened exposed. Not only liquids but even air can start causing more pain in you. As time goes by, the pain begins to get worse and thereby again leads to swelling and infection. Following proper tooth extraction aftercare, the dry socket could be avoided to a certain extent.
Things To Do After Tooth Extraction
The best thing to do after a tooth extraction is to lie down and take proper rest. Other than that, you should take the anti-inflammatory medication as your Beverly Hills dentist prescribes. Try to keep your head elevated always. You can apply an ice pack on your jaw when needed to relieve swelling or pain. Ensure that you eat only soft foods along with cool drinks. Ice cream also plays an important role in keeping the gums numb. You should also make sure that the gauze is also changed regularly. If you feel that your teeth need to be extracted due to infection, schedule an appointment with the nearest dentist in Beverly Hills to provide the best-in-class tooth extraction procedure.